Catechists have a Summer BBQ

The parish catechists from First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and the RCIA program had a BBQ to connect and enjoy the remaining days of summer. There was a lot of food, music, and great conversations. With the student registrations in full swing, we look forward to the new catechetical year.

“I beg you: never tire of being catechists. Not of ‘giving a lesson’ of catechesis. Catechesis cannot be like an hour at school, but rather a living experience of the faith that each one of us feels the desire to transmit to the new generations. Certainly, we must find the best ways to ensure that the communication of faith is adequate to the age and preparation of the people who are listening to us; yet the personal encounter we have with each one of them is decisive. Only the interpersonal encounter opens the heart to receive the first proclamation and to desire to grow in the Christian life with the proper dynamism that catechesis allows.”

“Dear catechists, you are required to make visible and tangible the person of Jesus Christ, who loves each one of you, and therefore becomes the rule of our life and the criterion of judgement for our moral action. Never stray from this source of love, because it is the condition for being happy and full of joy, always and despite everything. This is the new life that sprung forth in us on the day of our Baptism, and which we have the responsibility to share with everyone, so that it may grow in everyone and bear fruit.”

– Pope Francis to Catechists

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