Family Movement Organizes Summer Gala Night

On Saturday, July 29, 2023, we had for the first time in the history of Loretto a Family Summer Gala night. God decided to show his love with a little rain at the beginning of the event, God does have a good sense of humor. The church gardens and a beautiful sky were witnesses of a night where children and adults had a great time. We had live music by our parishioners who prepared a number of songs to perform and entertain our guests. This dinner was an initiative coordinated by the Family Movement of Loretto, who along with their entire leadership team, plus approximately eighty volunteers, made this evening possible. It is admirable to see the members of the group work together to be able to attend to four hundred people. The waiters were non-stop throughout the night in order to give each person the best service. The church of Loretto is very grateful to each one of the parishioners who continually support the events and also thankful to all the volunteers who with much love and dedication donate their time and talent.

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