On October 22, 2022, the Loretto Christian Family Movement organized a fall dance party to raise funds for the parish which was a great success. They delighted us with a variety of delicious dishes and provided a great atmosphere for the whole family to enjoy. It was a night filled with fun. Families were able to enjoy together, we could see how parent’s danced with their children in their arms. We also had many romantic moments for our couples, love could be felt everywhere. The organizers were filled with a lot of happiness in their hearts because they once again proved to us that celebrating in a healthy atmosphere and as a family is possible! We thank our community for always supporting our parish events and we recognize that none of this is possible without your help.
“In your family journey, you share so many unforgettable moments: meals, rest, chores, fun, prayer, excursions, pilgrimages, and solidarity with those in need. However, if love is missing, joy is missing, and authentic love is only given to us by Jesus.”
Pope Francis