CALENDAR 2024-25
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Our Programs

Our kids faith formation program is divided into religious education for those preparing for First Communion, and the School of Altar Servers (grades 3-5) for those that have received the sacrament of communion.

Young Adults
Our faith formation for young adults is divided into the Nuevo Amanecar hispanic young adult group and the World Youth Parliament for the English speaking young adults.

The faith formation for adults speaking Spanish happens at the various parish groups. For those that speak English we have short bible study courses throughout the year.
Latest News

Confession for Year 1 Confirmation Students
All the confessions will take place from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the Church. Attendance is required. Date Class Wednesday, December 11 Johnny Leon & Sandra Portillo Friday, December 13 Rebeca Zuniga & Briana Sosa; Floriselda & Steven Ardon Monday, December 16 Alisson Amaya & Stephanie Reyes Tuesday, December 17 Sheldon Leon & Katherine Marquez; Elias…Read More

Catechists have a Summer BBQ
The parish catechists from First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and the RCIA program had a BBQ to connect and enjoy the remaining days of summer. There was a lot of food, music, and great conversations. With the student registrations in full swing, we look forward to the new catechetical year. “I beg you: never tire of being…Read More

Second Year Confirmation Students to be Confirmed on June 9
Important Upcoming Dates for Year 2 Students Time & Date Activity Location 6pm to 8pm Tuesday, May 21 Confessions Marvin & Hayde’s Class (Room 302) Floriselda & Elias’s Class (Room 203) Main Church 7:30pm to 9:00pm Thursday, May 23 Confessions Rebeca’s Class (Room 307) Main Church 10:00am to 4:00pmSaturday, May 25 Confirmation RetreatOnly for Year 2 Students…Read More
What’s New?
Evangelus Message Board
Upcoming Events
Daily Readings
Parish News
- Return to Me: 40 Days of Eucharistic Adoration
- Looking for Young Adults to Volunteer at the Day Camp
- 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope Plenary Indulgence
- The Youth Participate in the Christmas Pastorella
- Confession for Year 1 Confirmation Students
Contact Us
Have any questions?
Need Additional Help?
Please contact me

Sr. Susan Schupp, M.Id
Interim Co-ordinator
Religious Education
(516) 513-8635