How does it work?
At Loretto, children are generally prepared to receive their First Holy Communion when they reach the third grade. They are prepared through weekly religious education classes. The classes are held every Saturday morning from 10:00 am to 12 noon in the faith formation center. The classes are taught by members of the parish community, both young and old, who have generously volunteered their time teach.
Attendance to these classes are mandatory for the students to recieve their sacrament. Additionally, parents will be invited to attend meetings designed to renew their own faith and commitment to the sacraments. These parent meeting will also be used to distribute necessary materials, and provide practical advice in forming the students in the Catholic faith.
The registration for First Holy Communion generally opens each year in the months of July/August. Please monitor the weekly bulletin for an announcement regarding new registrations.
The word catechist comes from a Greek word meaning “to echo.” Catechists echo the Word of God to the children of Loretto. Catechists come from all walks of life and all ages: women, men, confirmed teenagers, parents, grandparents, singles, and religious. Catechists are not expert teachers or brilliant theologians. They are ordinary people, just like you, who generously volunteer their time to share our Catholic faith, values, and traditions with our youngest generation of Christians. They are positive role models who help children grow in faith, spirituality and their relationship with God. Their gift of time and talents has tremendous value… because through their words, actions, and expression of love for their students, the message of Jesus Christ continues to spread throughout the world.